Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Things He Says

We are constantly amazed by the words that come out of Cameron's mouth. Some are sweet, others hilarious, and others, well, we just don't know what to think, lol.

We recently had the opportunity to visit the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house. the lines were VERY long, and it was late. We finally made it in to the Celestial Room, which was quite beautiful. As we were leaving, Cameron turned and said, "I want to be in that room." We had been through MANY rooms, but it was that room he loved most. Even so young, he feels the Spirit.

Tonight, at dinner, Cameron said the prayer:

"Thank thee for all my books that I can read, Thank thee for my games that I can play, bless the food, In the name . . .What's my line?"

Cameron repeats game quotes frequently. Right now, he is big into Strong Bad. His favorite quote - "Oh, crapsicles!" Other phrases include, "I hope it's not. . .dangeresque." On the phone: "Hello, Commissioner? What? No, I'm not in that business anymore. Stupid telemarketers." This last phrase he says while wearing his Dangeresque sunglasses and talking into a cell phone - he's very authentic:-) I'm not going to repeat the whole thing here, but he knows the "200 Sbemails" song by heart. And the Trogdor song. And all the other songs on that site.

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