Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm a Jogger

Yeah, did I just write that title? So here's the thing. I am OUT OF SHAPE. I may look nice and trim on the outside, but on the inside I am a pile of mush. And even on the outside the mush is starting to spill over a bit.

Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, says that dogs need LOTS of exercise to help them stay healthy and balanced. A dog with too much pent up energy can quickly develop psychological issues. I didn't want that to happen. Nearly every day for the last month I have been taking my new puppy, Orion, on two walks a day.

We started out simple, just walking around the block. Then I started taking him around two blocks. Then I started taking him on the trail near our house, and then around our block. Then we took the long trail and walked even further, so that the walks would generally last about 30-40 minutes. Twice a day. I could tell this was good for both of us.

Not only were we BOTH getting some good exercise, but I was also helping to establish my role as "pack leader" for Orion. Orion has a few anxiety issues that we are trying to resolve, and taking him on long walks really helps put him in a calm-submissive state of mind.

But I felt like this was still not enough. It was time to step it up once again. So, we started going on shot jogs along the trail. Maybe 100 yards. I am not sure how Orion really felt, but even going that short little distance was like torture for me. Now I know some of you runners out there are probably rolling you eyes. I told you, I am out of shape. But I am working on it.

Now I am working on a new morning routine:

First thing, I let the dog out (because he is still a puppy and will poop or pee on my carpet if I wait to long to let him out). Then I do 20 min of pilates. This helps warm me up and stretch me out. Immediately after I take Orion out for our walk/jog. When we get back, we take a few moments to cool down, and then we can eat our breakfast.

The evenings are simpler. We do not run on our evening walk. It is more a chance to release a little more energy from the day and just relax a little. It is a very calming time for both of us, and we both go to bed tired and wake up refreshed.

For a long time I have been struggling to get into a fitness routine, but I would always start strong and peeter out fairly quickly. This time I took it slowly, and I still am. Baby steps. But I think my real motivation is having a companion to do this with. It would be next to impossible for Craig and I to run together. Aside from the issue of what to do with Cameron, Craig's legs are WAAAY longer than mine. Just walking together I practically have to jog just to keep up with his stride. But Orion is perfect. He is a little dog with short legs and probably only a little more stamina than I have right now. We easily keep pace together, and somehow running with him has given me new purpose. It makes what I normally consider I tedious task into something far more enjoyable for both of us.

Moral of the story? Get a dog, get in shape!

PS. In case you have not seen them, check out Orion's latest photoshoot on my photography blog!


The Plum Verbena said...

I am impressed Sarah! I need to do something! I am so out of shape it isn't even funny!!

Amber said...

Oh, I love your stories. I'm so glad you got your puppy. I've been letting Brucey off the leash to run free with Brandon and his friends at the park and beach. He's very obedient and comes right to me when told. But on days when the guys are working, he gets so impatient with me being indoors all day. Perhaps I'll make it a habit to take him on a daily jog too.