Friday, January 09, 2009

We have a house!

Sorry I have not updated my blog in so long. It's actually kind of funny and ironic. I visit quite a few blogs, and sometimes I get annoyed or sad when people don't update their blogs often. You'd think I would learn to take my own hints.

So, the big news is that we are in a house! Our very first home! We moved in this past Saturday, and already we are in love with it. We now live in Layton, near the High School. At first, I was o sad to leave our apartment. We had so many good memories there, and I was sad to leave behind some good friends and a great ward.

But from the moment we moved in our new neighbors have been great. They are helpful and friendly, which is great. We had a slight hangup with the furnace. It is really old, and we discovered that it had a couple of little leaks. Nothing too serious, and the gas company was able to patch them right up. But one thing I notice is that the house is much colder than our apartments, probably because there is so much more to heat. The basement is like sitting in a refrigerator, which wouldn't be a problem normally, but we are using it as my studio and office space, so it needs to be warmer.

And yes, I know have space for my studio! No more rearranging my living room to put up backdrops! Now I can put them up and leave them up! I have TONS of room for the camera, lights, backgrounds, props, and people! I am uber excited about it!

I would show some images of the new house, but I haven't taken any yet (werid, i know!). As soon as I do I will post a few.

I will also address the subject of Christmas as soon as I get all those images onto the computer, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

That's so great you have a new house! I can't wait to see pictures!