Sunday, April 06, 2008


Still playing Catch-up. Hey, YOU try working full time, trying to run a business, taking care of a kid, and the house, and still find time to even think about posting on a blog!

Anyway, Easter was really nice this year. Cameron was excited to wake up and find what the Easter Bunny had brought him. It was quite the haul!After church we went over to my parent's house. Cameron got to try his hand at dying Easter eggs. His favorite color was purple. Every time we tried to take the egg out of the dye, he wanted us to put it back, so it could be "more purple".

Once the eggs had dried my dad took them outside to hide. The Cameron and my sister Amanda went out to find them. Cameron has really sharp eyes, and was able to find some well hidden eggs.

After the egg hunt, we had a nice family dinner with everyone. Mom, Dad, Amanda, me, Craig, Cameron, Matt, and Christina. I love when we get together as a family:-)

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