The trouble with being a grown-up is that time goes by way too fast. When I was a kid, it seemed like days would last weeks. Not it is the other way around. How did that happen? We have been so bus lately, and it seems there is never enough time in the day to get things done. But here is a little update to let you you know what has been going on.
Cameron is doing VERY well with the potty training. He is almost completely day trained, and often stays dry through the night. He still has some trouble with poopoo, but we are getting there. I am most excited because I know we have purchased our last pack of diapers! Well, at least until the next baby comes along, LOL.
Cameron has taken a liking to the scriptures! The other night I was reading in the Book of Mormon, and he came in the room and wanted me to read to him, so I did. We read about Lehi's dream, which he LOVED! He won't stop talking about it now! He is always talking about how Lehi was lost, but found the tree with the fruit that make him happy. He talks about the big building with the bad people inside that laugh at the good people. And he talks about holding on tight to the iron rod. We are very excited that he wants to be involved with religion and scriptures. He loves going to church and learning about Jesus. I hope that this will be a continuing trend!
Recently Cameron and I made a trip up to Idaho to visit my sister, Jenny and her family. Jenny is due with a little girl (Jessica) in September, and I was able to do her maternity photos. They turned out great! I did her hair and make-up, and then we went out to our grandma's farm where Jenny boards her horses. We did photos all around the barn, adn I even had her get on a horse! It was a lot of fun:-) You can check out some of my favorite images on my
photo blog.
We are continuing to work very hard. School will be back in session soon, which means I am in full working mode. Long hours, long drives, lots of kids! This season I am a head photographer, which I think will be really nice. I like to be in charge. We have lots of new people to wrok with, but we still have lots of really good people here from previous seasons. it is really nice to be bale to work with so many good people.
Meanwhile, I continue to work hard to get my photography career going. There have been plenty of setbacks, but also many moments where I see my hard work paying off. I have done several photoshoots this past month, and I have more planned. Nothing excites me more than being able to capture memories for other people:-)
Craig is working hard as well. He is still working two jobs, but he is currently looking for something that will pay a little more and be a little bit more of what he wants to do. He has sacrificed quite a bit, and I love him for it. But it will be nice to get my husband back:-)
Well, that about covers it for now. I think the next few months are going to be even busier for us, but heopfully I will be able to find the time to hop on here now and then.