Monday, August 07, 2006

He Talks!

As unbelievable as this may sound, Cameron is actually starting to talk! He is learning new words all the time, and it's great. So the list so far is:

Gate (sounds like Gay)
bye-bye (his new favorite)
Whoo-whoo (like a train)

He also has a few other words that he has only said occasionaly, like car and baby. We were getting a little worried that he was going to grow up as a mime, but fortunately hours and hours of Gilmore Girls has caught up with him and he is realizing just how fun talking can be. Now if I can only get him to shut up now and again, LOL.

In other news, Craig is desperatly trying to finish school by next Spring, but UNLV is not making it easy for him. They keep scheduling classes inteh middle of the day. I mean, the nerve of some people! Who goes to class in the day time anyway? He may end up quiting his job in the Winter so he can finish school. We REALLY don't want to stay here in the Land of Desolation and longer than is really neccessary. Our goal is Bountiful. Utah, I mean.

As for moi, I am working every now and then at the chapel. Work has been very slow. Then it sucks because my boss makes me stay 10 1/2 hours on Saturday (our one busy day) and then complains that I don't "give enough", which makes me feel all guilty, but only temporarily. After those initial five seconds I am ready to throttle him. I love my job, really, but sometimes I really want to scream.

And here is soemthing even bigger! I am working very hard towards taking a great photography course, which I am hoping will help me break into the business on my own. I think I am really leaning towards children's photography. I love working woth kids, and really showing of thier wn individual uniqueness.

And speaking of children's photography, here are a few cute pics of my niece Krystal that I took when she and her parents came for a visit in July. They are not perfect, but I am working on improving my techniques, as aforementioned.

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