Monday, July 17, 2006

Twitchell Family Camp

We just got back from the annual Twitchell Family Camp. Every year, Craig's family get's together for a great big camping trip. I am a huge fan of camping, so this is good for me:-) The downside is htat there are SOOOOO many people there, adn usually if I wasn't cooking, I was cleaning, and if I ever tried to do something fun on y own time, I would face a lot of guilt for not helping out in camp. Bummer. But this year Carig's immediate family decided to try somethign different. We set up our campsite a little away from the main camp, and instead of sharing meals with everyone else, we did our own fmaily meal, which means there was a lot less to cook, a lot less cleaning, and no long lines to wait for food. It was also nice to have a little quiet spot away from the hussle and bustle of the main camp. Very relaxing.

Setting up camp was lots of fun. Cameron was a big helper. He helped put together the poles and hammer in the pegs. Next year he'll be ready to do it all by himself!

The first night we were there, we nearly froze to death. In Las Vegas, summer nights are still somehwere around 85-90F. But our campsite was at Duck Creek in Utah, some 9,000 ft above sea level. Therefore, at night it got down to around 40F. Not only was it hard for me to sleep, but poor Cameron kept waking up becuase he would throw off what little covering he had and then wake up freezing. Fortunately, the next night we were able to procur extra blankets, and we all slept much better.

One of my favorite parts of camp this year was the hiking. First we went to the Ice Cave, a small, unassuming cave. Strangely, even in the heat of the day, the cave was freezing cold. As a result, precipitation would fall into the cave and freeze, causing the whole floor to be covered in a thick sheet of ice.

After visiting the Ice Cave we went on a hike to Cascade Falls. The hike was amazing. The path was set high up on the mountainside, with a cliff wall on one side, and a very long drop on the other. The view was SPECTACULAR!! The mountains and forest seemed to stretch on forever and ever, fanilly becomgin lost in the hazy atmosphere. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "purple mountain's majesty". The falls were beautiful, and we had fun, until Cameron tried to slip through the guard rails. He almost succeeded, too, but fortunately Craig was there to grab him. If he had managed to slip through, it would have been a long drop to a nasty death. I don't think I have ever been more scared in my life. Still, despite that brief incident, we had a lot of fun, and Cameorn felt like he was on top of the world!

On Sunday we all got together for church, which was held in a nice shady spot under the trees. I felt like a poineer, which is was fitting, considering that Pioneer Day is next week. There was such a peaceful feeling sitting out in Heavenly Father's Kingdom.

When we came back home Sunday afternoon the first thing we noticed is how hot and dry Las Vegas is. And very brown. The cool air and green mountains have spoiled us, nad we are more determined than ever to get out of Nevada as soon as Craig graduates. Hopefully, we can go back up to Utah. I don't like how cold it gets in the inter time, but I hate how ridiculously hot it gets here inthe summer time, so I guess it's merely a matter of picking hte lesser of two evils.

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