Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Cameron's First Day of School!

Ah, my little boy is growing up! It's a bittersweet moment for me. I miss the little baby, but I have really enjoyed watching him grow and learn.

Today was Cameron's first day of "school". This is only preschool, as he missed the Kindergarten cutoff here by all of two weeks. Sad! We cannot afford a private preschool anymore, but he was accepted into Head Start. He gets to go to the "big kid school", as he calls it, which is so exciting:-)

Cameron is so excited to learn. For someone his age, everything is still fresh and new. He is already learning how to read, and can read little words like, "cat", "mat", and "exit". He also likes numbers.

Here are a few pics of his first day!

1 comment:

Veronica said...

Look at that little stud!!